Amrod Durban Apparel Roadshow
About Details about the event.
Event Dates
- No upcoming date
The traveling roadshow provides the opportunity for our customers across South Africa to get a full Amrod experience. To ensure that everyone can attend we will be hosting multiple sessions each day, exclusively for Amrod registered customers only.
This first of a kind event in our industry will include concepts stores and product workshops which create a unique opportunity for you to experience the new range in an innovative format.
To bring the products to life we have constructed two concepts stores that will travel across the country creating an engaging and inviting environment for you to interact with and learn about the products.
Each session will be centered around a 60 minute product workshop hosted by Gabi Bricker who will be sharing industry trends and provide a look into the world of Promo in 2020. After these insights our product experts will take you through the new clothing range to get a full understanding of what the products offer, and how you can utilise them to build your business.
Venue Details about the venue
Amrod Durban
Unit 2, Thynk Retail Park 23 Riverhorse Road
Riverhorse Valley Estate
South Africa