About Details about the event.

Event Dates

今年, 我們有幸能夠和CIG開發團隊以及一眾星際公民粉絲們在香港舉辦星際公民同聚慶祝活動。我們很高興邀請到至少6位Cloud Imperium Games公司中的高級開發人員參加當晚活動,當中包括星際公民上線遊戲總監、粉絲團體總監、載具開發總監、藝術總監、首席開發官和市場營銷高級副總裁。如果您想和香港的粉絲和遊戲開發人員一起閑聊星際公民和深入了解開發團隊背後的故事,請立即報名參加,到時見!

如未加入Hong Kong Bar Citizen Discord 請由此連結加入: Bar Citizen Hong Kong Discord Channel

This year, we have the privilege of celebrating Star Citizen with both the developers and fans in Hong Kong. We are proud to be able to invite at least 6 high-level CIG developers to join us that evening, including the Star Citizen Live Director, Director of Community, Vehicle Director, Art Director, Chief Development Officer, and Marketing Senior Vice President. If you want to have a chill evening discussing anything about Star Citizen with local fans and game developers, please don’t hesitate to join us. We look forward to seeing you soon.

If you have not already joined our discord server, please join us with the following link: Bar Citizen Hong Kong Discord Channel

Bar Citizen Hong Kong 2023 event page

Venue Details about the venue

Up a Notch Homemade Pasta & Pizza

G/F, 160 Portland Street

Mongkok New Territories

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Organizer : Bar Citizen Hong Kong

Phone : +85295803806

Bar Citizen is a worldwide event created by Star Citizen fans around the world, Bar Citizen Hong Kong, first started at 2017 have hosted multiple offline events ever since.